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New Blog Post

Nafshi is an excellent organization, reaching out to a wide variety of people with programs promoting mental, emotional, and spiritual health. I am proud to be associated with Nafshi and its programs.


-Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, Nafshi Rabbinic Advisor


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Small Support Groups

Nafshi Programs

Small Support Groups


Support Group

Find support in this small, closed group of individuals who feel they have been hurt or misled by religious mentors or authorities. Participants now harbour resentment or anger and are looking to heal the pain. These groups, facilitated by Nafshi's clinically-trained staff, are separate for men and women. For more information about joining, click the link below.

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Infertility Support 


WOMBS—Women Of Mind, Body and Spirit—is a community of women who are experiencing infertility and/or miscarriage. Women undergoing fertility treatment or recovering from a miscarriage often feel alone and isolated. Participants will...

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Support for Converts

The "G.E.R." Project - The Gifts and Emotions of Religion, a support group for those who have converted to Judaism who are struggling with integrating, mainstreaming, feeling alone, and coping with grief/loss. These groups, facilitated by Nafshi's clinically-trained staff, are separate for men and women. For more information about joining, click the link below.

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Relationship Support:
Setting Healthy Boundaries

Setting healthy boundaries lies at the seat of all healthy relationships. Learn practical tools and the strength to say "No," as well as gain support and new friendships. These groups, facilitated by Nafshi's clinically-trained staff, are separate for men and women. For more information about joining, click the link below.

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Parenting Support

Let's be honest--being a parent is one of the most rewarding and CHALLENGING experiences of our lives. From tots to teens, it can be a rollercoaster of power struggles and tantrums. At Nafshi, we're in it together.  Join our WhatsApp group for short, inspirational and practical parenting tips from top experts, as well as dates and times for our parenting workshops and events.

Experiential Groups

Experiential Groups

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Join Jewish men from across the Dallas Metroplex for a Nafshi sponsored Men's Basketball League. Take part in creating Jewish unity, physical wellness and team camaraderie. This series includes weekly games with professional referees and a final championship game. 



From the Middle East to the Far East, meditation has intrigued and inspired millions in both ancient and modern times.  Neuroscience shows improved brain and body function for those who practice meditation regularly.  But is it Jewish!?!  Experience Nafshi Meditation from the lens of the late Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan and..



Nurture your body, mind


and spirit

Come meet-up with other moms for a stroller walk with Nikki Friedman in Ramat Beit Shemesh as she shares Torah insights to fuel your body and soul. With Jewish traditions as our guide and the company of other mothers, you won't even realize you're walking off stress and baby weight!

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Enhance your self-discipline, courage, and defensive techniques if faced with an attack. Learn about the spiritual value of self-defense and mind-body synchronicity. In-

person, closed Nafshi group, Tuesdays at noon, located at "Krav Maga Dallas."

Tuesdays, 12 PM - 1 PM

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In-person, separate women's and men's groups for all levels. Classes taking place both in Dallas, Texas and Ramat Bet Shemesh, Israel. In Hebrew Noga means "Radiant Light;" experience the practice of yoga combined with Jewish teachings to enhance the human and Jewish experience. For more info about a Noga Yoga classes in your city, click the link below.


Classes starting in November, 2021.

Educational Groups

Educational Groups

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You've heard about it, maybe seen it in Jerusalem - but what is it?  Is it a cabal of mystics or movie stars?  Is it like a prayer?  Discover a world of hidden meanings, ancient traditions, new perspectives, and come along for a surprise journey of the senses. Join our WhatsApp group for short inspirational messages from Rabbi Mike.

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Join this new virtual Nafshi study group facilitated by Nancy Reuben Greenfield, author of "Tiptoe Through Genesis," a unique textual and experiential journey! The class meets on Thursdays at 4 pm CST.

RSVP for more info and for the ZOOM meeting information.


The Abraham J. Twerski Learning Center International Launch

Exciting new program, based in Ramat Bet Shemesh, Israel, in collaboration with Nafshi. Link to be posted online, October 13th 11:30am Central. 

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Unblock Me Series

Check out this eye-opening digital series with Rabbi Mike Friedman, where he addresses topics to help build self-actualization.


Wednesdays at 1 PM CST on ZOOM . RSVP for ZOOM link and password info.

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Join a digital Q and A class and live chat about any topic, mental health, Judaism, psychology...


Open group 

Saturday nights at 10pm Central 


RSVP for ZOOM link and password info.


New group for young Jewish men, ages 18-30, navigating meaning, and learning to identify which causes personally speak to each Jewish heart, with an emphasis on critical thinking skills and problem solving tools for navigating academia and the workplace. Sponsored by Michele Rice in memory of her beloved parents.

Limited Space. 

Sundays October 17th, 24, 31st 

10pm Central Time

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Connect with Jewish women around the world and join Nafshi's co-founder, Rebbetzin Nikki Friedman, in her Women's 

WhatsApp Group. Nikki offers short, inspirational videos with practical messages that strengthen our relationships and spiritual connection . Her humorous tales and personal anecdotes truly speak to the Jewish woman's heart and soul.



The Book of Iyov has earned a reputation as the most difficult to approach in the Tanach. This is due to several characteristics: the very language is rich and laid out in biblical poetic style with 110 unique words that do not appear elsewhere, the most of any book in the Torah. Some of the expressions have elusive meaning. More intriguing is the theology showcased in this work....

The Nafshi team knows how to create incredibly unique experiences which engage the senses, the mind and the heart.

Suzanne Luftig

Nafshi participant and enthusiast




Our Mission

Nafshi offers inspiring programing that integrates Jewish and holistic principles to enhance emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual wellness.

"Nafshi" is a Hebrew word that literally translates as "My Soul,"

and can also be understood as "My Holistic Self."

Our programs offer a safe and warm space for Jews of all backgrounds and affiliations to infuse their lives with joy and meaning, and gain tools to help overcome everyday challenges.

Life is about relationships.

Our small communities connect people in authentic relationships that lead to personal growth and development. Community members support and encourage one another to harness the strength needed to make positive changes.

Find Community. Create Connection.

Discover Nafshi.

Our story

Our Story

Rabbi Mike Friedman, Nikki Friedman

Rabbi Mike

From DC to Dallas to Israel, my mission has been to serve the needs of the Jewish People.  As a seventh generation orthodox rabbi, I proudly continue my family legacy.  As a licensed mental health counselor, I empower others to succeed in life and enhance their relationships.  As Nafshi's first Wellness Rabbi, I combine principles of neuroscience, clinical counseling, and spirituality to enhance the lives of Nafshi participants.  

I am a proud third generation American (and Washingtonian), with a great love for freedom, kindness, and the American way.  [My late grandfather, was a Lieutenant Colonel and physicist who worked on the Manhattan Project to help defeat Nazi Germany.  My parents later worked for the release of Soviet and Ethiopian Jewry.]  In the 1880's my great-great-grandparents returned to the Holy City of Jerusalem to pioneer Jewish settlement with Moses Montefoire.  Following in their footsteps we merited to return to the Land of Israel in the summer of 2021.  We are blessed to continue serving the needs of Nafshi communities in both the US and Israel.  


I play guitar and basketball (usually not at the same time), and enjoy music, meditation, and a soulful Kabbalat Shabbat.  Nafshi's goal is to help make contemporary and millennia-old gems of Torah wisdom accessible to the entire Jewish community in warm and caring circles of community.  I hope and pray that together we will grow to reach greater and greater levels of self-awareness, inner contentment, and holistic consciousness. 



Always with joy,



As a natural educator, lover of the great outdoors, mathematician and artist, co-founding Nafshi has given me the opportunity to fulfil my life's passions.  Having grown up in a traditional Jewish family in Chicago, I have always had a strong connection to the Land of Israel and a passion for uniting the Jewish People.

When I was a young child, I had the great pleasure of having one "Bubbie" (grandmother) move in with my family, as well as my other Bubbie living nearby. As a granddaughter of Holocaust survivors, I have been deeply infused with the message that life is precious and we must be grateful for all the opportunities to seize the day.  Through years of Torah study and participation in various self-development programs, I've learned skills to channel my own personal hurdles into my greatest blessings. I now enjoy sharing my approach with others and empowering women around the world to live their best lives.

With love,


Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, one of the foremost leaders in Jewish life in North America and worldwide, is Executive Vice President, Emeritus of the Orthodox Union, following more than seven years as Executive Vice President.  In that role, he combined the skills of pulpit rabbi, scholar, and clinical psychologist to provide extraordinary leadership to the organization and to Orthodox Judaism worldwide.


Rabbi Weinreb received his rabbinic ordination in 1962 from the Rabbi Jacob Joseph Yeshiva in New York and served as spiritual leader of Congregation Shomrei Emunah in Baltimore for 13 years, building the congregation from 160 to more than 400 families before coming to the OU. In addition, he has a PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Maryland and served as a psychotherapist for mental health organizations for many years while also maintaining a private practice. His positions included roles as school psychologist for Prince George’s County Public Schools in Maryland and as Chief Psychologist of the Potomac Foundation for Mental Health.

Rabbi Weinreb continues to travel extensively, and to write essays and commentaries for a wide variety of resources.

Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
Rabbinic Advisor

Featured Articles

Originally published in Dallas Jewish Monthly Magazine

September, 2018

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Sign Up for a Complimentary Spiritual Consulting Session Today!

From the Blog & Studio

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5 Ways to Heal When Sick


The Sages and Senseis of "Cobra Chai"

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Featured Videos
Got Sleep Video

Got Sleep?

It's Not You, It's Me Video

It's Not You, It's Me

SpreadingJoy on Chanukah Video

Spreading Chanukah Joy

Decluttering Webinar

Decluttering Webinar


souled on wellness




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